Established: 03 March 2002

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Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, as would pictures of wives and girlfriends naked. Submissions? Anything really. Click on the smiley face!

All text, HTML etc. on this site is the property of the webmaster and is not to be used without the webmasters permission. He's an amicable sort of fellow, so if you ask nicely, I'm sure it won't be a problem. Please don't snurch!

© Copyright Dylan Pemberton 2002.



All submissions should be sent to ! Please submit in hmtl form! If you wish to offer advice or guidance to anyone listed here, then either use email displayed on profile page, or send it to us and we'll pass it on.


Cadenza   ChianaGray   Corde   Dakki   Dyl   Jazzymegster   Jess Pallas   T'eyla Minh

A World Exclusive for Crackers Matter (2470 words/PG)

by Cadenza

The Dominar does the chat show circuit!


The Crocodile Hunter Visits Moya (820 words/U) NEW

by ChianaGray

A Steve Irwin special! Beauty!


A Conversation Between Lovers (360 words/PG)

by Corde



Cordefic (22600 words/PG)

by Corde

Um? Well, probably best to read methinks!


Days of Our Leviathan (1290 words/PG)

by Dakki

The Farscape soap opera!


Ode to Aeryn's Nose (110 words/U)

by Dakki

An ode about a nose?


One Day on Moia (1050 words/PG)

by Dakki

The worst Farscape fic ever!


The Alternate Dimensions Series (15500 words/PG)

by Dakki

Farscape goes to the movies...and some other places?


Farscape Haiku (340 words/U)

by Dyl

It seemed like a good idea at the time!


Rygel's Song (80 words/U)

by Dyl

A crap song about the Dominar!


The Best Night (4300 words/15)

by Dyl

Boozy bollocks!


Spaceweed (650 words/PG)

by Dyl



How St. John Slew the Beast of Agnracar (1270 words/U)

by Jazzymegter

The legend of St. John and his...well, not gonna spoil it for you!


Things You Will Never Hear Said on Farscape (1600 words/U)

by Jazzymegster

Read the frelling title!


Into the Lion's Den Pt I: The FaDoP Review (4380 words/U)

by Jess Pallas

The strange people at FaDoP do some unique reviewing!


Into the Lions Den Pt II: FaDoP Review (3690 words/U)

by Jess Pallas

Part II of the review Pilot wanted banned!


My Funny Valentine (13010 words/PG)

by T'eyla Minh

Shippiness gone mad!


That's My Underwear (17390 words/PG)

by T'eyla Minh and Naomi

The adventures of Johnny's pants!


The Farscape Cookie Monster (3750 words/PG)

by T'eyla Minh

Hmmmm? We tried to find a summary, but it eluded us...


The Great Big 'What If?' (2930 words/PG)

by T'eyla Minh

What would happen if Moya had chat rooms?


BIG OLD UNIVERSAL DISCLAIMER: None of the authors featured here have any intention of breaking copyright laws, ending up in prison, or being sued for large amounts of money they don't have. No sir. They are just happy fans. They accept, as does Crackers Matter, that Farscape and all it's subsidiary bits are owned by the Henson Company, Sci-fi Network, some big German company, and probably some other shady off-shore holdings corporations. Thank you for not suing anybody.

DISCLAIMER: (Don't sue us, we're pathetic) This is so made up. We mean absolutely no offence. We all love Farscape, and the actors and crew involved in making our favourite show. This should be seen for what it is, a tribute. If by some bizarre, and frankly disturbing coincidence Mr. Browder does indeed enjoy the company of voles, then we apologise unreservedly.

Farscape and all it's subsidiary bits are owned by some other people and not us. Anything illegal we do is purely by accident and that includes the credit card scam and Bob's marijuana farm.