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In Which an Attempt is Made at the Discontinued Use of Certain Cordefic Clichés and Fandom Infection is Halted in its Tracks. Alternately titled Corde's Second Semester at College in Three Short Chapters(23)

Three unrelated bits that have been floating around for several months. Chapter 2 reeks of eau de maniacal fangirl, so please tread with care. Minor spoilers for Die, Me, Dichotomy and season 3 in general particularly the bits of season 3 that concern, er, mortality (Kids, if you don't know by now that Zhaan died in season 3, you're not really a fan, are you?)


Chapter 1 ("That smarted me!" "I doubt it.")


Crichton was lying on his stomach in the cargo bay, scribbling busily with his IASA Space Pen with Pressurized Ink Cartages for Writing in Low or No Gravity, humming merrily to himself. Aeryn, who had been stomping around Moya angrily (she was peeved that she'd been left dead over the season break), stomped into the cargo bay and nearly tripped over Crichton. Giving a grunt worthy of an annoyed Luxan, she griped, "What the frell do you think you're doing?"


Zhaan scurried in to shake Aeryn's hand and give her a trophy for winning the Obligatory Farscape Word of the Fic award.


"Quadratic equations," Crichton replied, dividing the numerator by the lowest common denominator of each monomial and multiplying by the square root. "An anonymous fan complained to Corde that she writes me too stupid, so I'm doing smart things. See?"


"Anonymous fanmail? Wow," Aeryn mused. "I didn't know Corde got ANY fanmail, much less anonymous fanmale."


"Heh," Corde heh'ed. "Fanmale. Go go gadget Freudian slip!"


"Shut up," Aeryn growled, sounding once again rather like an irritated Luxan. "So someone complained and you changed your characterization to suit the nameless, faceless masses?"


"If by 'masses' you mean 'three people who have ever been bored enough to read my stuff without me sending it directly to their inboxes,' then yes. I thought I'd try my hand at writing an intelligent Crichton," Corde said absently, watching his biceps flex as he squared the coefficient and added the quotient of the difference between x and y.


"Nice try," Aeryn remarked as she watched him add 2.8 and ?17 to get 42, which he then divided by 1,265 to get 3.


Corde shrugged. "Said I'd try, not that it'd work."


Crichton became fascinated with the properties of SpacePen ink and started doodling random patterns on Moya's floor. Chiana and Jothee wandered past hand-in-hand, and Aeryn glared. "Watch out for D'Argo, you two. I don't want to have to deal with a Luxan scorned until I'm officially alive again." They simply smiled goofily and wandered off again.


"Look!" Crichton shouted up from the floor where he was now liberally covered with SpacePen ink. "Relativity!" He pointed to a spot on the floor where he had written "E=McRib"


Chapter 2 (Here There Be G-Boyz.)


"Hey Duo?" Corde called.


"Hey what?" Duo answered from behind a closed door.


"Whatcha doin'?" Corde asked, rocking back on her heels.


A rustle and a bump, then, "Nuthin'." There was the brief sound of a scuffle, then Duo yelped.


"I am not 'nothing,' baka," Heero said indignantly.


"So you're not busy?" Corde asked, peering through the keyhole.


"Not anymore he's not," Heero said, opening the door and zipping his jeans at the same time. ("Oi! Where's the spandex? Heero wears spandex, Corde. Anything else is wildly OOC," Aeryn said accusingly. "Firstly, spandex doesn't zip. Poetic license. Also, he wore jeans in Endless Waltz, so it's not completely OOC," Corde told her, pointing to her beloved Duo poster as proof. "And finally, you're pretty darn OOC yourself, so don't even talk.")


"Good!" Corde yelled, dashing into the room and glomping the half-clothed pilot on the bed. "Tell me a story!"


Duo groaned and pulled the covers over his head. "A what?"


"A story. I'm bored. Aeryn doesn't want to do anything but critique my writing, Heero just went to polish something Quatre and Trowa are busy, and, well, I wanna play with your hair and listen to you tell stories." Corde grabbed Duo's braid and began playing with the end of it.


"What are you, five years old? Where did you come from? And why in Shinigami's name are you in my bedroom?" Duo yanked his braid out of Corde's clutches and burrowed further under the covers.


 "Oi, Duo did I make Hee-chan mad at you? Gomen! I didn't mean to!" Corde put on her best fangirl sweatdrop and pretended to be cute. Duo wasn't buying it. He groaned loudly from under the covers, making it clear that Corde was not welcome.


Aeryn stalked into the room. (She's not wandering, she's not sauntering, she's not even strutting. I think stalking is appropriate at this point.) "Just WHAT do you think you are doing, young lady?" she demanded, aiming her pulse rifle at Corde's head. "Leave him alone, fangirl! You've done enough damage to the Farscape fandom without infecting the poor Gundam pilots! Get off Duo's bed and go finish Cordefic 22. It's been sitting in your notebook for months.


"Aww," Corde grumbled. "Always spoiling my fun."


When the predatory fangirl had left the room, Duo poked his head out from under the covers and blinked suspiciously at Aeryn. "Um, thanks whoever you are"


"Don't mention it," Aeryn told him. "She gives me trouble all the time. I wouldn't wish her on any other fictional characters."


"Well, thanks. I mean really, THANK you," Duo repeated. "Is there any way I can repay you?"


Corde poked her head back in. "Do I smell a crossover?"


"NO!" Aeryn and Duo yelled, with an emphatic echo from wherever Heero had wandered off to.


"Aww" Corde muttered.


Chapter 3 ("You just HAD to mention her, DIDN'T you")


It had been many moons since Corde had written a Cordefic, and she figured that it was about that time. She was also extremely bored in math class. The rest of the class was similarly uninspired. Teachers should know better, Corde thought, than to try to do actual work the last day of class before finals.


Somewhere in the background, Jool screamed. Three empty desks in the back of the classroom melted.


Bongo was lighting incense in Zhaan's quarters. "I can't believe she's really gone. She was the only one who could actually beat me at drinking games. I guess her vegetative physiology wasn't affected by alcohol."


"That, or she had 800 years of practice," Chiana muttered enviously, not looking up from Corde's graphing calculator. "Hey Corde, can I have this thing when you're done with it? I like making pretty pictures."


Corde looked at the calculator's display screen. Somehow, the Nebari had graphed a picture of D'Argo. "Sure," Corde said, "I don't need it. I can't even figure out how to graph a function."


Aeryn looked at the syllabus for Corde's math class. "Math 104, Functions and their Graphs," she read. "Hmm. I think we now know why you're failing this class, Corde."


"She doesn't pay attention," came Bongo's voice from the table underneath which he'd drunk himself in grief.


"That too," Corde agreed.


Jool screamed. Five more desks melted, abruptly dumping their comatose occupants into a heap on the floor.


Aeryn smacked Corde upside the head. " 'Many moons?' Not even if you're telling a Native American story, cheese head. That's worse than the infamous 'in an odd fashion.' No, no, no!" she yelled, punctuating each word with another smack to the head.


"Ow," said Corde.





DISCLAIMER: (Don't sue us, we're pathetic) This is so made up. We mean absolutely no offence. We all love Farscape, and the actors and crew involved in making our favourite show. This should be seen for what it is, a tribute. If by some bizarre, and frankly disturbing coincidence Mr. Browder does indeed enjoy the company of voles, then we apologise unreservedly.

Farscape and all it's subsidiary bits are owned by some other people and not us. Anything illegal we do is purely by accident and that includes the credit card scam and Bob's marijuana farm.