Established: 03 March 2002


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© Copyright Dylan Pemberton 2002.





Miss Sun and Jool are arguing about the veracity of the monuments claims to represent heroism.



ANTH: Stop this. Girls! Stop this!

CLAUDIA: I'm going to take this thing and shove it so far down your throat!

ANTH: Stop stop stop stop stop stop! Stop it! Okay? Stop. (ANTH suddenly falls to his knees and starts crying)

CLAUDIA: Anth? Honey? You okay?

ANTH continues to sob uncontrollably.

TAMMY: Was it something I said?

ANTH: (struggling to hold back the tears) No. I-It's just that seeing you two argue like th-that... it brings back bad memories.

CLAUDIA: Childhood stuff?

ANTH: No. WWF stuff.


ANTH: (angrily) Don't mock me!

CLAUDIA: Anth, we're not mocking. We're just confused.

ANTH: Yeah right! Look at the big baby!

BEN: Does this mean I'm the alpha male again.

KEMPER: No, Ben. That would be me.

BEN: Oh, sorry. Right you are, Sir.

ANTH: I don't like seeing women fight, okay! Three years ago, I was in the States and a friend took me along to see a WWF show. It was fine when the men were fighting, but then these two women came out, and they had muscles and they started fighting and hitting eachother with chairs! Was awful!

TAMMY: Oh. I see. I think?

ANTH: Stop mocking me! I'm in pain.

KEMPER: You will be if you don't get off your bloody knees and get on with this scene!

BEN: You tell him, Sir!


<prev       next>

DISCLAIMER: (Don't sue us, we're pathetic) This is so made up. We mean absolutely no offence. We all love Farscape, and the actors and crew involved in making our favourite show. This should be seen for what it is, a tribute. If by some bizarre, and frankly disturbing coincidence Mr. Browder does indeed enjoy the company of voles, then we apologise unreservedly.

Farscape and all it's subsidiary bits are owned by some other people and not us. Anything illegal we do is purely by accident and that includes the credit card scam and Bob's marijuana farm.