Established: 03 March 2002


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© Copyright Dylan Pemberton 2002.





Chiana approaches Neanderthal Crichton in his cell.


GIGI: Hey! Hey! Heeeey! It's okay. It's me, Pip.

CAVEMAN BEN: What happened?

GIGI: You lost it for a microt. You remember?

CAVEMAN BEN: Uh....sphere. (sniffs) Must know what happened, Chiana.

GIGI: (giggles)

BEN: What's the matter with you?

GIGI: I'm sorry, it's just this is so you, Ben.

BEN: What do you mean, woman?!

GIGI: I mean the whole Neanderthal thing.

BEN: Oh, I get it. It's that time in the episode where everyone takes the piss out of Ben!

CLAUDIA: What matter, Cavemoron. We hurt feelings. (giggles)

BEN: You know, I do have feelings!

ANTH: (pulls bic lighter from pocket and flicks it open) Look, Caveman. Fire!

BEN: Everybody just shut up!

GIGI: Oh no! We makem caveman mad.

CLAUDIA: Yes, his brow does seem rather, um, furrowed!

BEN: Ha bloody ha! Just remember who dies this series!

KEMPER: Ben no allowed in Big Chief's trailer anymore. (giggles)

BRIAN: David, isn't that more of your stereotypical Native American? And besides, I'm the Big Chief.

ROCKNE: Actually Brian. That would be me.

CLAUDIA: We makem cavemoron cry.

BEN: (covers his face) Am not!

CLAUDIA: Cry cavebaby!

BRIAN: Um, Rockne. Who makes this series? I don't believe it's the O'Bannon company.

KEMPER: Look, you're both just the money men. I'm the creative force behind this project! Who was it who thought of giving Ben a beard in 'Jeremiah Crichton'? Me!

BEN: (openly sobs) Leave me alone! You're so horrid!

CLAUDIA: Ben no like me anymore.

BEN: (whispering so only the transcriber can hear) Oh, but I do my sweet Claudia. Oh but I do. That's why it wounds me so grievously.

CLAUDIA: Speak up, cavemoron!

ROCKNE: Look! This whole series was my bloody idea!

BRIAN: The...Henson...Company!

KEMPER: Shut up, Brian. You're just living off your Dad's fame.

BEN: Please, everyone...! Please stop fighting!


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DISCLAIMER: (Don't sue us, we're pathetic) This is so made up. We mean absolutely no offence. We all love Farscape, and the actors and crew involved in making our favourite show. This should be seen for what it is, a tribute. If by some bizarre, and frankly disturbing coincidence Mr. Browder does indeed enjoy the company of voles, then we apologise unreservedly.

Farscape and all it's subsidiary bits are owned by some other people and not us. Anything illegal we do is purely by accident and that includes the credit card scam and Bob's marijuana farm.