Established: 03 March 2002

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All text, HTML etc. on this site is the property of the webmaster and is not to be used without the webmasters permission. He's an amicable sort of fellow, so if you ask nicely, I'm sure it won't be a problem. Please don't snurch!

© Copyright Dylan Pemberton 2002.



AERYN: We have air in here. What is the matter with him?

ZHAAN: He is Crichton.


VERELL: There's nothing to forgive. Matala is a colleague, nothing more. If you want her, then by all means, begin the Luxan Chase. <not really that funny, but the whole Luxan Chase thing sounds very amusing!>


JOHN: Look. No, no no. This has nothing to do with you. Look, I've been having these flashes. And I'm somewhere else. And Matala's there. Right? And we're, like, getting know?


AERYN: You are very odd, Crichton.


JOHN: Look, open your ears, or your tentacles...or whatever orifice it is you listen with!


ZHAAN: He says he is experiencing the future.

AERYN: The future? He can barely function in the present.


JOHN: Rygel. Li'l camper! You look good! Jeez, what is that smell? Whew!

RYGEL: Too many food cubes. Back end of a food binge, I'm afraid. Very difficult to stop when you get going. Which bit of me looks good, exactly?

JOHN: The bit that's not jumping back and forth in time.


<PREV      NEXT>

DISCLAIMER: (Don't sue us, we're pathetic) This is so made up. We mean absolutely no offence. We all love Farscape, and the actors and crew involved in making our favourite show. This should be seen for what it is, a tribute. If by some bizarre, and frankly disturbing coincidence Mr. Browder does indeed enjoy the company of voles, then we apologise unreservedly.

Farscape and all it's subsidiary bits are owned by some other people and not us. Anything illegal we do is purely by accident and that includes the credit card scam and Bob's marijuana farm.