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In an attempt to get a real feel for the Farscape set our intrepid transcriber took herself behind the scenes, eavesdropping on two members of the crew discussing the scene being filmed before them.


CLAUDE (BOOM): I don't see why these blokes get paid so much. I mean, how hard can it be?

JIMBO (LIGHTING): Yeah, I know what you mean, Claude buddy. I've been in this business twenty odd years now, and apart from that time Jeff Goldblum got his knob stuck in one of the fans on the set of Jurassic Park, I can safely say, it's always struck me as a damned easy job.

CLAUDE: Ow! Poor blighter! Wish something like that would happen to Browder. Certainly brighten up my day.

JIMBO: Hey! I like Browder! Better than the dragon queen!

CLAUDE: (whispers in an urgent tone) Jeez, Jimbo! Keep it down! She'll hear you!

JIMBO: Yeah, like I care!

CLAUDE: Don't you remember what happened to old Stevo who worked in catering?

JIMBO: (blanches) Jesus! Poor bloke. Never been the same since has he.

CLAUDE: That's right. Poor blighter still walks with a limp.

JIMBO: (shakes head) Poor mucker.

CLAUDE: Wish Browder would walk with a limp.

JIMBO: Jeez, Claude what you got against that guy?

CLAUDE: You know my wife Terry? Well, she thinks he's really hot or something. Do you know she told me last month?

JIMBO: No idea, mate.

CLAUDE: Well apparently, when we're doing 'the business', she likes to think about Browder!

JIMBO: Jeez mate! When was that?

CLAUDE: Just before we started filming 'Taking the Stone'.

JIMBO: Oh, so that's why you kept dropping the boom on Browder's head.

CLAUDE: (grins) Yeah, got 'im good a couple of times there!

JIMBO: That you did. Poor bastard couldn't see straight for days.

CLAUDE: Yep, and I'm glad. Don't like that Browder at all.

JIMBO: Fair enough mate. What about Gigi then?

CLAUDE: Oh man, Gigi! I tells ya, since my old lady told me about her thinking about Browder when we're doing it, you'll never guess who old Claude's been thinking about!

JIMBO: (laughs) Go on mate! Good on ya! She's one good looking woman alright!

CLAUDE: Yeah, too right.

JIMBO: Do you know old Brucey who works in the carpentry department?

CLAUDE: Is that the bloke who thinks he's Jesus?

JIMBO: Yeah, thats's the bloke. Well, he's got this peephole set up in Gigi's trailer.

CLAUDE: No shit!?

JIMBO: Tell you what, mate. Once we're finished up here, I'll show you. You might have to wait about for a bit though, as there's always a bit of a queue.

CLAUDE: Cheers mate!

JIMBO: So what about Kemper then?

CLAUDE: Tosser.

JIMBO: Yeah.


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DISCLAIMER: (Don't sue us, we're pathetic) This is so made up. We mean absolutely no offence. We all love Farscape, and the actors and crew involved in making our favourite show. This should be seen for what it is, a tribute. If by some bizarre, and frankly disturbing coincidence Mr. Browder does indeed enjoy the company of voles, then we apologise unreservedly.

Farscape and all it's subsidiary bits are owned by some other people and not us. Anything illegal we do is purely by accident and that includes the credit card scam and Bob's marijuana farm.